student media conference 2024

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Student Journalism Conference: Opening Ceremony

Student Journalism Conference: Opening Ceremony

StuJo! Opening Ceremony

Roll up roll up! The inaugural Student Journalism Conference (or, StuJo! for short) is here, and we are commencing the festival with not a bang, not a whimper, but an Opening Ceremony to rival the Parisian athletic display earlier this year. Student Journalism is a sport indeed: it requires practice, patience, dedication and faith. At this Ceremony, we will hear about past iterations of student media conferences, and then launch into debates and games about the landscape of student media TODAY. Expect to meet your fellow student journalists and cast aside your inhibitions. This is a must-attend if you plan to attend other sessions at the Conference!

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Q&A with Sarah Ayoub

Q&A with Sarah Ayoub

StuJo! Q&A with Sarah Ayoub

Interested in journalism, academia and novels? Torn about which pathway to pursue after graduation? Meet Dr Sarah Ayoub, a Da Vinci of the arts, who proves that you don't need to decide!

Join Dr Ayoub, and a moderator, Valerie Chidiac (Honi Soit, University of Sydney) as she walks us through how she built a flexible careers based on her passions. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

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Crash Course: Climate Change with Dr Karl

Crash Course: Climate Change with Dr Karl

StuJo! Climate Change Crash Course

One of the most pressing issues for our generation to navigate, climate change is relevant to every student reporter. Climate change is a determinant of poverty, inequality and many other socio-political issues, so it is incumbent on student journalists to sound the alarm whilst dodging misinformation. The first step? Actually understanding the problem. Join the animated and illustrious Dr Karl Kruszelnicki as he explains the history of climate change science for a student journalist audience.

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Zine creativity: a workshop

Zine creativity: a workshop

StuJo! Zine Workshop

Ever wanted to make a zine by hand? Learn about the storied history of zine-making and the beauty of this analog form? Or perhaps you are an esteemed zine maker, keen to refine your skills!

Join Mia Rankin (Vertigo, UTS) as they talk about their zine-making journey and facilitate a hands-on workshop where you make your own zine.

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